At one point, insurance carriers did not cover chiropractic care, leaving countless patients struggling with ongoing pain and suffering or turning to addictive prescriptions for relief. Thankfully, most providers now cover chiropractic care under many insurance plans, including Humana. 

Chiropractic is an excellent holistic option no matter what your health concerns may be, and if you have Humana insurance, you might be wondering what’s covered under your policy. Every insurance company and policy is different, and it can be difficult to find clear-cut answers to simple questions about your healthcare coverage. 

At Bomberg Chiropractic, we’re well-versed in health insurance and how it works with chiropractic, and we understand just how tedious and frustrating it can feel trying to make sense of it all. We’d love to help clear up some of the confusion for you! 

Let’s examine some of the advantages and disadvantages of using your Humana health insurance to cover chiropractic care at our office. For personalized cost-benefit analysis and assistance, please reach out to us today!

Does Humana Cover Chiropractic?

Humana is an American insurance company focused on providing accessible and affordable care and a broad network of providers. The great news is that Humana does offer options for chiropractic care, so you can get treatment, and it may be partially or fully covered.

Sciatica Pain

Benefits of Using Your Humana Insurance 

Humana was founded in 1961, giving it an upper hand in offering the highest quality care for its patients; here are just a few benefits of using it for chiropractic treatment. 

Excellent Coverages

Aside from being a well-established and strong company, they have a variety of coverages, including chiropractic care. The coverage can help pay the medical bills, meaning you won't be dealing with large medical debt for your services.

Low Copayments

Using Humana also means you're going to be getting peace of mind because it will give you comprehensive care with easy copayments that don't break the bank.

Health & Wellness Planning 

Insurance coverage can also help you qualify for preventive care like screenings and checkups that could prevent potential long-term issues and let you maintain your health more effectively.

Are There Any Potential Drawbacks of Using Insurance?

As with most things, there are disadvantages to consider, and the two biggest concerns we get from our clients are deductibles and treatment options. 

Deductibles Can Be More Expensive Than Out of Pocket 

One of the biggest drawbacks to using insurance for any medical treatment is the deductibles. Depending on your plan, these can run into the thousands, and paying out of pocket might be less expensive than paying the overall deductible.

Only Certain Treatment Options Are Covered

Another drawback to using your Humana insurance is that the treatment plan is less flexible and customizable. 

When you're not using insurance, you and your chiropractor are free to create care that is streamlined to your needs instead of following a standardized plan required by your provider.

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Dr. Bomberg Offers Experience & Care You Can Count On

It's important to note that different insurance plans have various pros and cons, and our team is happy to work with your insurance provider to understand your coverage and ensure you get the best care possible. Dr. Bomberg advocates for his patients to help you minimize out-of-pocket expenses, or we have several payment plans available to give you a custom solution that's structured to work for your needs.

Our methods use a combination of treatments like movement-based massage and traditional adjustments to support your body's natural healing capabilities, and we have a patient comes first mindset.

If you'd like more information or need to schedule an appointment, reach out to us online or call our Plymouth office at 763-450-1755 today.