Massage has long had the reputation of being an activity that is great for relaxing and as a destressing activity. However, beyond that, many people weren't aware of its other benefits. Research has shown, however, that massage is a vital component in a treatment plan that is developed to increase your range of motion. This movement based massage can increase the ability of an athlete to move freely and decrease the pain felt by a person who is facing nerve issues.


1.      Tackle Scar Tissue
Scar tissue can significantly reduce your ability to enjoy a full range of movement. The tissues that once allowed your joints and limbs to move freely can be restricted by scar tissue. Because scar tissue is hidden, many people don't realize the harm that it can do. Movement based massage is based on an examination of the affected area along gentle and precise movements to address the issue.

2.      Treats a Variety of Ailments
Movement based massage is a treatment that can address a number of common issues that people face every day. Tension headaches and lower back pain respond well to the gentle manipulations that this non-invasive technique relies on. Injuries, knee problems, and tennis elbow are all common issues that can have a great deal of lingering pain and stiffness. The highly effective treatment of movement based massage can help improve your pain level and increase your ease of movement.

3.      It's Gentle Yet Effective
Massage, as a technique, requires that the practitioner is especially in tune with your body. Their goal is to not do anything to cause you greater pain and discomfort. Gentle movements such as stretching and bending, are combined with massage techniques that precisely target the areas that you are having the most trouble with. As a gentle technique, each session of movement based massage is designed to build on the ones previously experienced and open the way to the next appointment. When you leave the office after your movement based massage session, you'll feel more relaxed; you'll be able to use your body parts in ways that more closely match the ways you used to be able to do so before your injury and you'll feel better.


At Bomberg Chiropractic, we provide a range of treatment options that are designed to help our clients enjoy movement and life more fully. Call us today at 763-450-1755 to schedule an appointment.