Imagine a world where standing tall feels effortless, where your body moves with grace and alignment. Good posture isn't just about appearances; it's the backbone of optimal health.

It's that invisible thread connecting vitality, confidence, and wellness. Yet, sometimes, our bodies whisper their discomfort through subtle cues, urging us to pay attention. That's where the story of the neck hump begins – a tale of posture, alignment, and the essentiality of chiropractic care.

Neck humps, also known as Dowager's Hump (the actual medical term for it is kyphosis), are an issue affecting many due to poor posture and lifestyle choices. It's that little curve at the base of your neck, often unnoticed until it becomes a significant concern. Neck humps are more than just an aesthetic worry; they signal an underlying issue that demands attention.

According to recent statistics, neck humps affect an estimated 2 out of 5 people over the age of 55. These seemingly small humps can lead to discomfort, limited mobility, and even affect confidence.

In this journey through chiropractic care and techniques, let's dive into the world of neck humps, exploring what they are, their impact, and, most importantly, how chiropractic care can help you bid them farewell. It's a story of transformation, of reclaiming your posture and restoring balance to your body, elevating your overall well-being along the way.

Signs of Neck Hump

Neck hump is ultimately caused by poor posture, specifically slouching, which pulls down the weight of your head on your upper back, making the spine curve inward. While this has been often associated with arthritis and osteoporosis in older individuals, it's becoming more common in younger people because of sedentary jobs and spending too much time in front of computers.

Side Effects of Neck Hump

Aside from the hump on the back of the neck, the severe rounding will also affect the chest muscles. Because the spine is the central pathway for your nervous system, without proper flexibility and posture, this can lead to more significant issues, such as:

  • Long-term weakness and tingling in the legs

  • Trouble breathing

  • Herniated discs from pressure on the spine and back pain.

  • Fatigue

  • Rounded shoulders

  • Issues with standing

How Does Chiropractic Help?

Chiropractic is one of the best ways to help combat this degenerative issue, and the goal is to fix any misalignments, helping to expand mobility and create enhanced posture. While the hump could be due to abnormal curvatures in the spine, most can be aligned and restored over time, helping to shrink it down.

In combination with chiropractic, practicing preventative care will help maintain your posture in a few recommended steps:

  • Improve your posture by standing tall and always sitting up straight

  • Keep your shoulders down and back and your chin slightly tucked in

  • Your feet should be flat on the floor with your knees at a 90-degree angle

  • Take periodic breaks if you're sitting for an extended period

  • Use a pillow under your knees when you're sleeping

Your chiropractor will also provide you with exercises you can do outside of the correct posture to help strengthen muscles and prevent further issues with a focus on proper alignment.

Expert Chiropractic Care in Plymouth

Neck hump can lead to other long-term health issues, so taking the steps now to correct your alignment is crucial to good health, and when you need a trusted name in care, Bomberg Chiropractic is here to help! We use a personalized approach for a client-focused experience and offer a variety of chiropractic techniques, from movement-based massage to TENS therapy.

If you need proven and long-lasting results, give our office a call at 763-450-1755 or schedule your appointment online today.