Do you sit at a desk for hours each day? Have you taken measures to ensure you’re sitting with good posture? If not, chances are you’re inadvertently sitting in an unhealthy position for hours on end, and that poor positioning can quickly or gradually result in aches, pains, and mobility impairments.

The good news is you can correct the problem and reduce your risk of developing sitting-related acute or chronic pain by implementing the following tips to improve your posture at the office.

1. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Carrying excess weight can cause problems with your spine and pelvis and weaken your core muscles, which can result in low back (lumbar) or mid-back (thoracic) pain. Sitting all day will only prompt further muscular degeneration, which gradually makes the discomfort more pronounced.

Reducing your weight or maintaining the healthy weight you’re currently at will naturally help you avoid rounding your trunk while you sit (or even stand) at your desk. And the more upright you stand, the less back pain you’ll likely experience.

Dealing with back pain even though you’re at a healthy weight? Check out these other common causes of back pain and what you can do to alleviate the discomfort.

2. Keep Your Body in Alignment

If you sit at your desk, make sure you sit up straight. Make sure your hips, shoulders, and ears are aligned, and when necessary, shift your body forward to the edge of the seat or backward so you’re sitting against the chair’s back support.

Sitting tall and aligned (and moving when you need to) will help strengthen your back and neck muscles while reducing the amount of unnecessary work those muscles need to do. Ultimately, you’ll feel less back and neck fatigue at the end of the day and will likely experience less discomfort, too.

3. Get Up & Move

The longer you sit (or stand, if you have a standing desk), the more fatigued your muscles become and the more likely you are to slouch, slump, or practice poor posture in general.

When you sit or stand with poor posture, especially for prolonged periods, that positioning places excessive stress on your back, neck, shoulders, and hips. Ultimately, that stress can cause discomfort, excessive muscle tension, and related mobility issues.

To counter the effects of prolonged sitting or standing in one place, simply get up and move every half hour or so. Walking around, stretching, or even standing for a mere two minutes can alleviate stress on your body and help you practice better posture at your desk. 

4. Implement Hourly Reminders & Wall Checks

Set up hourly reminders on your calendar, or simply write the word “posture” on a sticky note and place it on your desk. When it’s time, do a wall check. You can do this simple task by yourself throughout each day to work on your posture.

Find a wall to stand against, and touch your heels to the bottom of the wall. If your heels, butt, upper back, and the back of your head all touch the wall at the same time, your posture is in line.

If they don’t all touch, start taking steps to adjust your posture.

5. Wear a Brace or Make Your Own

Can’t remember to correct your posture when you feel it slipping? Consider a posture device or  brace to help you correct it without having to think about it.

You can even make a homemade brace by using a large scarf and draping it around your neck before crossing it behind your back and pulling the ends forward to pull your shoulders back.

Schedule Chiropractic Treatment in New Hope, MN

Are you dealing with back or neck pain, mobility issues, or other types of chronic or acute pain that may be tied to poor posture? If so, our team at Bomberg Chiropractic would love to help you get your body back on track! We specialize in a wide variety of chiropractic treatment techniques and have proudly served Twin Cities residents for nearly a decade.

To schedule a consultation or an appointment or learn more about how we can help your body thrive, give us a call today at 763-450-1755, or request an appointment online, and we’ll be in touch.